How To Fix ‘Avast Won’t Open’ And Related Errors


Avast antivirus software is used by a big number of computer users. Avast is one of the top antivirus software available on the market.

If you’ve recently tried to install Avast antivirus on your Windows 10 computer and received an Avast won’t open issue, you’re not alone. Then read this post to find out how to fix Avast problems.

Avast issues appear to arise in your system because Avast may fail to recognise Windows system files as essential components of your operating system and attempts to delete them.


As previously said, Avast is a prominent antivirus programme that comes highly recommended by pros. Even the most advanced applications can have minor flaws. When Avast is installed on Windows 10, the same thing happens.

Users should be aware that while installing a new version of Windows on their PC, such as Windows 10, they may see a BSOD issue. When there are compatibility difficulties between Avast drivers and your CPU, these errors appear.

As a result, it’s always a good idea to install the most recent Avast version before updating your system to the most recent version available.

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How To Resolve Avast Won’t Open Issues and Other Errors

To effectively execute the steps and resolve the Avast is not running: problem, read the post from top to bottom.

Avast Is Causing a Black Screen To Appear

Although the Avast Black Screen problem may not appear to be significant, some users have reported that installing Avast on Windows has resulted in black screen troubles. If you’ve run into this problem, follow the steps below to fix it:

Step 1: Find the Avast icon on your taskbar and double-click it to start the Avast software.

Step 2: Go to the Settings tab and select General from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Return to the Exclusions menu and select the Add button to add the above-mentioned addresses to the exclusions:




Step 4: Finally, restart your computer to have the modifications take effect.

This procedure should be able to permanently eliminate the black screen problem.

 Avast Antivirus Is Unable To Update

From time to time, every antivirus application updates itself for any new virus definitions. However, if Avast fails to do so, it could cause a major problem by failing to defend the system from the most recent internet dangers.

If you are experiencing this issue and are unable to download and install fresh Avast updates, continue reading this article:

1. Turn Off Your Firewall/VPN 

Your system’s firewall will automatically turn on for certain programmes, acting as a barrier to protect the system. So, if your firewall is preventing you from installing the most recent updates on your PC.

Step 1: Then go to Start > Type ‘firewall’ into the search box > Double-click on ‘Windows Firewall’ from the list of results.

Step 2: To continue, click on the option ‘Turn Windows Firewall on and off’ > and disable firewall protection.

2. Upgrade Your Operating System

In order for programmes to work with the most recent version, the system must be compatible enough to provide those functions. As a result, it’s always a good idea to keep your operating system and programmes up to date. Check for updates under Settings > Update & Security > Windows Updates.

3. Restart Your Computer

Heavy use of drivers and software might potentially cause issues in your system. Clean booting your computer will allow it to run Windows 10 with only the most essential programmes and drivers.

This solution will assist you in resolving any software conflicts that may have been discovered on your Windows 10 system. Take the following steps:

Step 1: To open the System Configuration utility, go to the Start menu and type System Configuration in the search box.

Step 2: In the menu, go to the services tab and check the box labelled Hide all Microsoft services, then click the Disable all option.

Step 3: Return to the Startup tab and select Open Task Manager from the drop-down menu.

Step 4: In Task Manager, go to the Startup tab and select all the objects you want to disable.

Step 5: Close the Task Manager application.

Step 6: On the system configuration dialogue box’s startup tab, press OK.

Step 7: To effect the changes and update Avast, restart the computer.

4. Resolve The Trust Error

When installing Avast on Windows 10, a fatal error message such as ‘Process Trust’ shows on the screen. ‘Avast doesn’t trust Avast Installer,’ it continues. As a result, you won’t be able to install Avast on your existing machine.

When you already have an antivirus application installed on your PC, this issue is most likely to occur. If not, it’s most likely due of Windows Defender, a system-wide security tool. So, if those applications are still running, we recommend disabling them and then reinstalling Avast.

Your system should not experience any further troubles as a result of this. This is why, in order to keep your PC safe, you should use a dedicated antivirus application.

5. Avast Won’t Let Me Open It

When Avast fails to load without giving you any warnings, you should repair the software. To do so, follow the steps below.

Step 1: Open the start menu and search for control panel in the box. To open the control panel, press enter.

Step 2: Select programmes from the control panel window and click on it.

Step 3: Next, pick Avast from the uninstall a programme menu. At the top of the page, click the Repair button.

Finally, restart your computer to implement the modifications and see if the Avast won’t open error has been repaired.

6. Avast Isn’t Recognized by Windows 10 Action Center

When using Avast on Windows 10, the most common issue is that the Action Center fails to recognise your Avast software. A pop-up error notice will appear in such cases, stating “Windows Defender and Avast Antivirus are both switched off” or “Windows did not find an antivirus programme.”

Before you begin, make sure you disable Avast antivirus and then re-enable it so that the operating system can recognise the application without difficulty.

Step 1: Right-click on the Avast software icon in your taskbar to open it.

Step 2: Select Shields and Control from the drop-down menu and disable it for around 10 minutes.

Step 3: Finally, enable it the same way you disabled it, except this time choose Enable all shields.

We hope that this enabled the system to recognise the software and that the errors are no longer shown. If the errors continue to bother you, take the following steps:

Step 1: Go to the left-hand corner of the screen and select the Start menu. Now, in the search box, type command prompt and press enter.

Step 2: Right-click on command prompt and select execute as administrator from the list of options.

Step 3: On the command line, type winmgmt /verifyrepository and press enter.

Step 4: If the following is displayed as the WMI repository, then there are no issues. Then press Enter to write winmgmt /resetrepository.

Step 5: Type wingmgmt /salvagerepository and hit enter if the screen says repository is inconsistent – errors discovered.

Step 6: Exit the window and continue if the screen displays WMI repository has been rescued – the WMI repository has been successfully rebuilt.

Step 7: Restart your computer to make the modifications take effect.

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By the end of the article, you should have discovered the answer to the Avast won’t open and similar errors that have been plaguing you, and you should have put that solution into action to eliminate the error. Hopefully, you were able to find a more effective and efficient solution to your problems as a result of reading this post.