4 Best ‘Chrome Apps’ You Should Install

How To

Chrome, the web browser developed by Google, is one of the best on the market today. It has a plethora of features and extensions that make it the best of the rest. Users are unfamiliar with its ability to support Apps, which are distinct from extensions.

Despite the fact that Chrome Apps and extensions can be found in the web store, they are very different from each other in terms of functionality.

How To

Chrome extensions are the special plug-ins that allow Google Chrome to perform specific tasks. You can use them to download articles, manage downloads, personalise Chrome’s Appearance, and so on.

Chrome Apps, on the other hand, allow Chrome users to run full-fledged Apps in the browser itself. Among the many native Chrome Apps are Google Docs and Google Drive.

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4 Chrome Apps That You Must Have

Third-party Chrome Apps are a must-have for anyone who uses the browser.

1. Polarr

Polarr is one of the best Android and iOS photo editing Apps. Its ease of use makes it an excellent choice for beginners.

Polar is a Chrome App that most people don’t know about. Polarr has a plethora of photo-editing options built in.

In addition to basic features such as adjustment, saturation, colour, rotation, cropping, and adjustment, there are a number of other options available to users.

Advanced tools like layers and filters can also be accessed through it. Polarr makes it simple to import photos. It can be downloaded for free from the Chrome store and then launched for use.

2. SketchPad

Users of Chrome can use SketchPad to draw both on a blank canvas and on images in their web browser.

It’s the best App for beginners who don’t want to learn how to use more complicated sketching software. Brushes of various sizes and patterns are available in a variety of variations through the App.

Drawing geometrical shapes is made easier with the tool’s line guiding system, a unique feature that streamlines the process of quickly drawing straight lines between two points.

The App has a wide range of colour and filling options. Because of its simple user interface, it’s a good choice for those just getting started. SketchPad’s how-to guide makes it even easier to learn how it works.

3. CalmlyWriter

Students and professionals can benefit greatly from using Microsoft Word, but if you’re a serious writer who prefers a distraction-free environment without a plethora of features, CalmlyWriter is your best bet.

With this App, you can write in a distraction-free environment and focus on your work. You can easily access your work from any computer or mobile device because it is all stored in the cloud.

You can import and export all common file formats with this App, and it includes a word character counter and an estimate of how long it will take you to read something.

The right-click menu provides access to the text format option. Users looking for a cheap and beautiful text editor with a clean writing environment should check out CalmlyWriter.

4. PocketApp

A common problem for web readers who spend a lot of time reading articles is that they may not have time to save them. This problem is solved by the Pocket App. If you want to read an article later, you can download and save it to your device.

Capturing web content has never been easier with the help of this App and extension. The Chrome web store has a free version available for download.

Paid premium features like no ads, advanced search operators, tags, and a permanent backup of all your saved articles are also available for a small additional fee. Those who enjoy reading will find this App an excellent option.

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This article has given a brief overview of some of Chrome’s most useful Apps. Apps for different user groups, such as readers, writers, sketchers, and editors, are included. You can search for the App that best suits your needs and is most useful for completing your tasks.