How To Fix ‘This App Can’t Run On Your PC’ Error


The error message is displayed. One of the most well-known error messages that has ever troubled Windows 10 users is “This software can’t operate on your PC.”

This error message can occur in a variety of ways and affect a variety of products, ranging from standard Windows apps to third-party software designed for the Windows Operating System.


Causes of “This App Can’t Run on Your PC” Error

  1. Incompatibility: The most common cause of this error is software incompatibility. The app may not be designed to work with your version of Windows or your computer’s architecture.
  2. Unverified Publisher: Windows may block apps from unverified or unknown publishers to protect your system from potential security threats.
  3. Admin Rights: Some apps require administrative privileges to run, and if you don’t have them, you may encounter this error.
  4. Corrupted Installation: If the app’s installation files are corrupted or incomplete, it may fail to run.
  5. Windows Defender SmartScreen: Windows Defender SmartScreen can sometimes block apps that it considers potentially harmful.
  6. App Version: Using an outdated version of the app might result in compatibility issues.

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“This App Cannot Run On Your Computer” Windows 10 Error Message

Any Windows software or app might cause the “This app can’t work on your PC” problem, which is incredibly annoying. Thankfully, if the affected person follows the correct approach for their specific scenario, this error notice can typically be eliminated.

Some of the most successful solutions for removing the “This app can’t run on your PC” error notice and resolving this issue are as follows:

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1. SFC Scan

SFC scans a Windows PC and all of its system files for corruption and other sorts of harm. SFC either restores corrupted or otherwise damaged system files or replaces them with cached copies if it identifies them.

An SFC scan can assist you in resolving whatever issue is behind the error notice “This app can’t run on your PC.” To run an SFC scan on a Windows 10 PC, simply follow this guide.

2. Verify The Version of The Program

There are two versions of Windows 10: a 32-bit version and a 64-bit version for each type of computer.

As a result, every third-party application for Windows 10 that can take advantage of all of Windows 10’s 64-bit features has both a 32-bit and a 64-bit version. When you try to launch a third-party app, you get an error message that says “This software can’t run on your PC.”

One of the first things you should do is double-check that the programme you’re using is compatible with the version of Windows 10 you’ve installed. If you’re using a 32-bit version of Windows, you’ll need the 32-bit version of the software.

You’ll need the 64-bit version of the application if you’re using a 64-bit version of Windows. Here’s how to discover out which Windows version is installed on your computer.

Step 1: Press Windows + S to bring up the search bar. In the dialogue box, type “system information” to start the application.

Step 2: After the application has been launched, go to the left navigation panel and select “System Summary,” then look on the right side of the screen for the “System Type” area.

Step 3: Double-check that the programme you’re trying to run is currently compatible with your computer.

3. Update The Windows Store

Step 1: Open the Windows Store app first.

Step 2: Select the Options option from the drop-down menu (represented by three horizontal dots and located in the top right corner of the window).

Step 3: Downloads and updates are now available.

Step 4: Select Get updates to receive updates.

Step 5: Allow the Windows Store to check for and download any available updates, then install any that are found.

Step 6: Close the Windows Store app and see if the issue persists.

4. Enable Side-loading of Apps

Enabling app side-loading, which is enabled when a Windows 10 user chooses Developer mode for apps, is another partially successful solution to a variety of different permutations of the problem.

The error notice “This app can’t operate on your PC” appears. To enable app side loading on a Windows 10 PC, do the following:

Step 1: Press the Windows key to bring up the Start Menu.

Step 2: From the dropdown menu, choose Settings.

Step 3: You may access Update & Security by clicking on it.

Step 4: In the left pane of the window, select For developers.

Step 5: In the right pane of the window, under the Use developer features section, locate and enable the Developer mode option.

Step 6: Now you should close the Settings app.

After activating Developer mode on the afflicted system, app side-loading will be enabled. If that’s the case, restart your computer and check if the “This app can’t run on your PC” error message has gone away.

5. Disable SmartScreen

SmartScreen is a Windows 10 feature that protects users from a variety of outside threats, including malware and phishing attacks. SmartScreen is a Windows 10 feature that is designed to safeguard and assist users, but it can occasionally do more harm than good.

For example, SmartScreen is one of the most prevalent causes of the “This software can’t operate on your PC” error message that occurs on Windows 10 users’ computers.

Turning off SmartScreen should solve the “This app can’t run on your PC” bug. To turn off SmartScreen, perform these steps:

Step 1: Press the Windows Logo key + S to begin a search.

Step 2: Type SmartScreen into the Search field.

Step 3: The first search result is Step 3: Change SmartScreen settings.

Step 4: Navigate to the “Security” section.

Step 5: Go to Windows SmartScreen and change the settings.

Step 6: Select Don’t do anything as your option (turn off Windows SmartScreen).

Step 7: Click OK to save the changes you’ve made.

Step 8: You should restart your computer.

Check to see if the issue persists when the computer is turned on.

6. Switch To a Different User Account 

If none of the methods given and described above have remedied your problem, it’s possible that the issue is tied to the user account on your computer.

If that’s the case, the only option to get rid of the “This software can’t operate on your PC” problem message short of a clean installation of Windows 10 is to switch to a new user account on your computer.

To create a new Administrator account on a Windows 10 PC, follow these steps:

Step 1: From the Start Menu, go to Settings.

Step 2: Select Accounts from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: In the left pane of the window, select Family & other users.

Step 4: In the Other user’s part of the right pane of the window, click Add someone else to this PC.

Step 5: Make a decision The sign-in information for this person is not in my possession.

Step 6: Make a decision A user who does not have a Microsoft account can be added.

Step 7: Create a new user account by providing a name and password.

Step 8: The newly created user account should now appear in the Other users category. After you’ve selected a new account, click Change account type.

Step 9: Click OK after selecting Administrator from the Account type drop-down option.

Log in with the newly created Administrator user account when your machine restarts. When you use the new user account, see if the “This app can’t run on your PC” error message displays.

How to Force an App to Run on Your Computer

While forcing an app to run on your computer may not always be recommended due to potential security risks, you can try the following solutions:

  1. Compatibility Mode:
    • Right-click on the app’s executable file.
    • Select “Properties.”
    • Go to the “Compatibility” tab.
    • Check the box that says “Run this program in compatibility mode for:”
    • Choose a compatible Windows version from the drop-down menu.
    • Click “Apply” and then “OK.”
    • Try running the app again.
  2. Run as Administrator:
    • Right-click on the app’s shortcut or executable file.
    • Select “Run as administrator.”
    • If prompted, enter your administrator credentials.
    • This grants the app elevated privileges and may allow it to run.
  3. Disable Windows Defender SmartScreen:
    • Open “Windows Security” or “Windows Defender Security Center.”
    • Go to “App & browser control.”
    • Under “Check apps and files,” select “Off.”
    • Try running the app again. Be cautious when disabling this feature, as it affects your system’s security.
  4. Check for App Updates:
    • Visit the app’s official website or the Microsoft Store.
    • Download and install the latest version of the app.
    • Newer versions often come with bug fixes and compatibility improvements.
  5. Verify App Publisher:
    • If the app is from an unverified publisher, proceed with caution. Only download and run apps from trusted sources.
  6. Repair or Reinstall:
    • If you suspect a corrupted installation, uninstall the app, and then reinstall it from a reliable source.
  7. Compatibility Troubleshooter:
    • In Windows, you can use the built-in “Compatibility Troubleshooter” to diagnose and fix compatibility issues.
    • Right-click on the app’s executable file and select “Troubleshoot compatibility.”
    • Follow the on-screen instructions to identify and resolve compatibility problems.
  8. Use a Virtual Machine:
    • If the app is only compatible with an older version of Windows, consider running it within a virtual machine that matches the required environment.

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Are you ready to use the tutorial to assist you solve the problem? If this app isn’t working on your computer, contact the software’s publisher, Windows 10, to check if there are any difficulties or if you’ve tried any viable solutions.